Monday, May 07, 2007

Fan Hate Mail

Below my note here is a copy of my very first official fan hate mail. Getting such a visceral response means I’m really connecting up there. I usually always work clean especially Synagogue gigs. But this was not a house of worship, a hospital or more importantly a late night TV gig. More like a drunken road gig in a firehouse in New Jersey.
Here is the background: This was a booked show Sunday night at the Comedy Store in La Jolla California. Just after the open mic. I get there and the room is basically all X-rated material and that is all that is getting laughs. Perfect night to try my blue material since I rarely do the dirt.
As I drove to San Diego from Los Angeles I called a bunch of people I know in La Jolla. Most of them are South African modern Orthodox Jews. People that are normal and not OCD (Obsessive Compulsive) with their observance. Any who, I also invited two Ba’al Tushva American Jews. People who get into observance from a less observant background and a lot of times are super OCD about their observance. So guess who shows? The OCD Ba’al Tusheva American Jews. Good on them for supporting me. Actually, wrong for them to be there since it was part of the Omer (Jewish thang where you are to limit joyous occasions), so it really is their fault they had such a bad time.
I fixed the unsolicited fan hate email a bit like a big time Newspaper does when people misquote and also provided definition to the Jewish stuff for all you non-believers out there. My smarty pants stuff in [ ].

Hi David,

I'm trying to find the positive in Sunday night's very disgusting experience at the "Comedy Club"....the only thing I can come up with is that I was there in order to give you reprimand..give you a perspective that you may have become desensitized to. Here it is: being in a cesspool is a bad environmental choice.

Those standups communicated tasteless, boorish, idiotic, filthy sludge...from the deepest recesses of their emptiness. We stayed only because we hoped to be refreshed by a bright guy named David Rosner whom we'd met at Shul, had to our Shabat [Shabbat] table... But unfortunately that wan't[wasn’t] the case. We were just as disgusted by David's schtick as the others, felt abused by his routine and saddened torealize he'd sold out Derech Eretz [way of the land (Israel)] for a believed "audience appeal" and even worse, identified himself with the Jewish people while spatting filth. You could do a lot better...our people are known for great comediens [comedians] and even more so for great thinkers. So, David, when your act reflects your connection to Torah values, we'll welcome an invitation to your show. Until then, we're good for a Shabat [Shabbat] meal. Best. Keren [I deleted the last name to protect the innocent]

Ok it is me, Dave, again. So there you go. I rule. Fan hate mail. I am big.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We saw your gig last night at the Standup New York comedy club. Your act was bright in spots (especially the joke about taking the hill, the interaction with the woman from the Upper East Side, and the lawyer jokes). We thought you could deemphasize the hair jokes, and the conjunction junction joke probably has a limited appeal to non-Gen-X. You definitely have a lot of talent, and we hope to see you in future comedy events. Semper Fi - C&N.